Friday, January 29, 2010

World Famous in New Zealand ... kind of

Holy Moly! Has it really been months since I last updated this?

I've been in the press, the Sunday Star Times Magazine in the "Going Up" column. Lucy from Felt decided to use an image of my Russian doll frigo magnets to advertise and promote Felt - I bought 3 papers on Sunday and told everyone I know :-)

What else have I been doing? Well, I've made some different coloured magnets and started doing some more embroidery.

I have a stall at the next Craft 2.0 on 6 March and have done sweet F.A sewing since way before Christmas. I best get on, my wee girl has gone back to creche today so I should, theoretically have more time to be crafty ... hmmm.

in the pink...

Woooh, just realised it's F F F Friday, huzzah.